9 research outputs found

    LISSNAS: Locality-based Iterative Search Space Shrinkage for Neural Architecture Search

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    Search spaces hallmark the advancement of Neural Architecture Search (NAS). Large and complex search spaces with versatile building operators and structures provide more opportunities to brew promising architectures, yet pose severe challenges on efficient exploration and exploitation. Subsequently, several search space shrinkage methods optimize by selecting a single sub-region that contains some well-performing networks. Small performance and efficiency gains are observed with these methods but such techniques leave room for significantly improved search performance and are ineffective at retaining architectural diversity. We propose LISSNAS, an automated algorithm that shrinks a large space into a diverse, small search space with SOTA search performance. Our approach leverages locality, the relationship between structural and performance similarity, to efficiently extract many pockets of well-performing networks. We showcase our method on an array of search spaces spanning various sizes and datasets. We accentuate the effectiveness of our shrunk spaces when used in one-shot search by achieving the best Top-1 accuracy in two different search spaces. Our method achieves a SOTA Top-1 accuracy of 77.6\% in ImageNet under mobile constraints, best-in-class Kendal-Tau, architectural diversity, and search space size

    PIDS: Joint Point Interaction-Dimension Search for 3D Point Cloud

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    The interaction and dimension of points are two important axes in designing point operators to serve hierarchical 3D models. Yet, these two axes are heterogeneous and challenging to fully explore. Existing works craft point operator under a single axis and reuse the crafted operator in all parts of 3D models. This overlooks the opportunity to better combine point interactions and dimensions by exploiting varying geometry/density of 3D point clouds. In this work, we establish PIDS, a novel paradigm to jointly explore point interactions and point dimensions to serve semantic segmentation on point cloud data. We establish a large search space to jointly consider versatile point interactions and point dimensions. This supports point operators with various geometry/density considerations. The enlarged search space with heterogeneous search components calls for a better ranking of candidate models. To achieve this, we improve the search space exploration by leveraging predictor-based Neural Architecture Search (NAS), and enhance the quality of prediction by assigning unique encoding to heterogeneous search components based on their priors. We thoroughly evaluate the networks crafted by PIDS on two semantic segmentation benchmarks, showing ~1% mIOU improvement on SemanticKITTI and S3DIS over state-of-the-art 3D models.Comment: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision. 2023: 1298-130

    Farthest Greedy Path Sampling for Two-shot Recommender Search

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    Weight-sharing Neural Architecture Search (WS-NAS) provides an efficient mechanism for developing end-to-end deep recommender models. However, in complex search spaces, distinguishing between superior and inferior architectures (or paths) is challenging. This challenge is compounded by the limited coverage of the supernet and the co-adaptation of subnet weights, which restricts the exploration and exploitation capabilities inherent to weight-sharing mechanisms. To address these challenges, we introduce Farthest Greedy Path Sampling (FGPS), a new path sampling strategy that balances path quality and diversity. FGPS enhances path diversity to facilitate more comprehensive supernet exploration, while emphasizing path quality to ensure the effective identification and utilization of promising architectures. By incorporating FGPS into a Two-shot NAS (TS-NAS) framework, we derive high-performance architectures. Evaluations on three Click-Through Rate (CTR) prediction benchmarks demonstrate that our approach consistently achieves superior results, outperforming both manually designed and most NAS-based models.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    AutoShrink: A Topology-aware NAS for Discovering Efficient Neural Architecture

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    Resource is an important constraint when deploying Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) on mobile and edge devices. Existing works commonly adopt the cell-based search approach, which limits the flexibility of network patterns in learned cell structures. Moreover, due to the topology-agnostic nature of existing works, including both cell-based and node-based approaches, the search process is time consuming and the performance of found architecture may be sub-optimal. To address these problems, we propose AutoShrink, a topology-aware Neural Architecture Search(NAS) for searching efficient building blocks of neural architectures. Our method is node-based and thus can learn flexible network patterns in cell structures within a topological search space. Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) are used to abstract DNN architectures and progressively optimize the cell structure through edge shrinking. As the search space intrinsically reduces as the edges are progressively shrunk, AutoShrink explores more flexible search space with even less search time. We evaluate AutoShrink on image classification and language tasks by crafting ShrinkCNN and ShrinkRNN models. ShrinkCNN is able to achieve up to 48% parameter reduction and save 34% Multiply-Accumulates (MACs) on ImageNet-1K with comparable accuracy of state-of-the-art (SOTA) models. Specifically, both ShrinkCNN and ShrinkRNN are crafted within 1.5 GPU hours, which is 7.2x and 6.7x faster than the crafting time of SOTA CNN and RNN models, respectively

    Towards Collaborative Intelligence: Routability Estimation based on Decentralized Private Data

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    Applying machine learning (ML) in design flow is a popular trend in EDA with various applications from design quality predictions to optimizations. Despite its promise, which has been demonstrated in both academic researches and industrial tools, its effectiveness largely hinges on the availability of a large amount of high-quality training data. In reality, EDA developers have very limited access to the latest design data, which is owned by design companies and mostly confidential. Although one can commission ML model training to a design company, the data of a single company might be still inadequate or biased, especially for small companies. Such data availability problem is becoming the limiting constraint on future growth of ML for chip design. In this work, we propose an Federated-Learning based approach for well-studied ML applications in EDA. Our approach allows an ML model to be collaboratively trained with data from multiple clients but without explicit access to the data for respecting their data privacy. To further strengthen the results, we co-design a customized ML model FLNet and its personalization under the decentralized training scenario. Experiments on a comprehensive dataset show that collaborative training improves accuracy by 11% compared with individual local models, and our customized model FLNet significantly outperforms the best of previous routability estimators in this collaborative training flow.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, 5 tables, accepted by DAC'2

    NASGEM: Neural Architecture Search via Graph Embedding Method

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    Neural Architecture Search (NAS) automates and prospers the design of neural networks. Estimator-based NAS has been proposed recently to model the relationship between architectures and their performance to enable scalable and flexible search. However, existing estimator-based methods encode the architecture into a latent space without considering graph similarity. Ignoring graph similarity in node-based search space may induce a large inconsistency between similar graphs and their distance in the continuous encoding space, leading to inaccurate encoding representation and/or reduced representation capacity that can yield sub-optimal search results. To preserve graph correlation information in encoding, we propose NASGEM which stands for Neural Architecture Search via Graph Embedding Method. NASGEM is driven by a novel graph embedding method equipped with similarity measures to capture the graph topology information. By precisely estimating the graph distance and using an auxiliary Weisfeiler-Lehman kernel to guide the encoding, NASGEM can utilize additional structural information to get more accurate graph representation to improve the search efficiency. GEMNet, a set of networks discovered by NASGEM, consistently outperforms networks crafted by existing search methods in classification tasks, i.e., with 0.4%-3.6% higher accuracy while having 11%- 21% fewer Multiply-Accumulates. We further transfer GEMNet for COCO object detection. In both one-stage and twostage detectors, our GEMNet surpasses its manually-crafted and automatically-searched counterparts

    NASRec: Weight Sharing Neural Architecture Search for Recommender Systems

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    The rise of deep neural networks provides an important driver in optimizing recommender systems. However, the success of recommender systems lies in delicate architecture fabrication, and thus calls for Neural Architecture Search (NAS) to further improve its modeling. We propose NASRec, a paradigm that trains a single supernet and efficiently produces abundant models/sub-architectures by weight sharing. To overcome the data multi-modality and architecture heterogeneity challenges in recommendation domain, NASRec establishes a large supernet (i.e., search space) to search the full architectures, with the supernet incorporating versatile operator choices and dense connectivity minimizing human prior for flexibility. The scale and heterogeneity in NASRec impose challenges in search, such as training inefficiency, operator-imbalance, and degraded rank correlation. We tackle these challenges by proposing single-operator any-connection sampling, operator-balancing interaction modules, and post-training fine-tuning. Our results on three Click-Through Rates (CTR) prediction benchmarks show that NASRec can outperform both manually designed models and existing NAS methods, achieving state-of-the-art performance